WASHINGTON -- Weekly World News has uncovered the shocking discovery
of a race of underground Mole People living 20 miles beneath the Earth, using secret tunnels to enter the United States!
This discovery was made not by archaeologists, but by NASA scientists tunneling deep inside the Earth -- and they're trying to keep the existence of this race covered up!
A NASA insider has leaked exclusive photos and information about these "cave people" under the condition of anonymity. "This story has to be
told," says the source. "It's just too big to keep under wraps."
The source excitedly spilled some big secrets about the Mole People."They seem to be a friendly race," he says, "But they're very primitive. We're trying to communicate with them, but it's a complicated task since they don't speak English.
"The Mole People, as we've nicknamed them, have easy access to the surface world," states the source. "That said, President Bush is handling the situation with an abundance of caution.
"One wrong move could result in the creatures declaring war on the surface. We're not even sure how many of them there are. We've only seen one city so far, with an estimated 2,000 Mole People in residence.
"But it's been suggested that there likely are several million of them living in sprawling and cavernous underground cities, scattered beneath the Earth's surface."
The creatures have some strong similarities to humans -- but also a few significant differences.
"Like us, they walk on two legs, but they're much taller than the average human -- standing 8 to 10 feet tall. Their fingers are claw-like. And their hands are webbed and designed for digging, not unlike the claws of a mole.
"Their skin is super-tough. It has to withstand the intense heat and
rugged conditions found below the Earth's surface."
There seems to have been some contact and interplay between humans and the subterraneans at some point in history -- they speak a language similar to an old Navajo dialect.
The source says the Mole People have ultradense musculature, making them capable of extreme violence.
"When one member of the expedition lit a cigarette lighter, the Mole People interpreted it as a threat and attacked him.
"They pounced on him like jungle cats, nearly snuffing him out along with his cigarette. He was lucky to escape with his life."
The Mole People are reportedly very curious about the surface world -- our clothes, our gadgets and especially our foods. They particularly enjoy our fresh fruit.
"I brought them some grapes, and they acted like it was a feast," the source says. "Obviously they can't grow fruit of their own, living 20 miles beneath the Earth's surface."
NASA is reportedly eager to study the Mole People. "We want to find out
everything about them -- what they eat, how they live, and, most importantly, what is their relationship to the human race.
Experts say this discovery has raised a number of serious and troubling questions, including:
Are the towering inhabitants of the civilization hostile and warlike or friendly and cooperative?
Will they make territorial claims on the surface of Earth? And what about crucial oil and mineral reserves below the surface? Who owns them: the Mole People -- or us?
How is it that NASA -- whose official mission is to explore outer space
-- discovered the underground culture?
Tight-lippped NASA spokesmen would neither confirm nor deny the report.
Pressured by reporters, a White House spokesman promised information "as I am authorized to provide it." But he warned: "That won't be anytime soon."
According to the source, NASA "stumbled on" the underground civilization in August while running a classified project code-named Operation Mole Hole -- an initiative that reporters now believe may have involved spying on China, using new "underground technologies."
"So far NASA has found secret cavern entrances to the underground world
in areas around Washington State's Mount Shasta, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and also scattered throughout the southwestern U.S.," said the
Any comment? Ada sesetengah pendapat ckp ni mungkin ya'juj & ma'juj... Ada yg kata weekly punya story xbley pakai, tambah2 bila Bush cakap dy yg nk kendalikan hal ni...
Nie link utk sumber: http://bteconline.2.forumer.com/a/the-mole-people_post135-.html
Menurut hadis diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abu Hatim dan Ibnu Mardhawiyyah melalui Ibnu Amru bin Aus daripada datuknya, bahawa Yakjuj dan Makjuj ini berjima' secara bebas dengan perempuan dari kalangan mereka (maksudnya mereka menjima' sesuka hati) dan ikatan perkahwinan mereka dibentuk mengikut kehendak mereka sendiri. Ibnu Hajar berkata bahawa di kalangan Yakjuj Makjuj ada yang mahir dalam sektor perkilangan, pemerintahan dan sebagainya, dan anggota kerajaan serta rakyat amat patuh kepada ketua. Ibnu Hajar juga berpendapat bahawa mereka mempunyai pokok-pokok dan tanaman-tanaman dan juga peralatan-peralatan.
Berapa ramaikah bilangan Yakjuj dan Makjuj? Ada yang berpendapat bahawa jika dirujuk pada Surah Al-Anbiya' Ayat 96, ternyata bahawa Yakjuj dan Makjuj turun dalam keadaan laju dari tempat yang tinggi dan keadaan mereka (kelajuannya) adalah seperti serigala berjalan. Dan jelas bahawa ayat itu menunjukkan jumlah mereka adalah ramai. Diriwayatkan oleh Al-Hakim dan Ibnu Mardhawiyyah melalui Abdullah bin Amru, juga diriwayatkan oleh Abdu bin Hamid melalui sanad sahih daripada Abdullah bin Salam: "Sesungguhnya (Yakjuj dan Makjuj) daripada zuriat Adam dan di belakang mereka ada tiga umat, tidak mati di kalangan mereka melainkan meninggalkan lebih daripada seribu zuriat. Dari Tabrani dan Ibnu Mardhawiyyah dan Al-Baihaqi dan Abdu bin Hamid daripada Ibnu Umar: "Dinamakan (Yakjuj dan Makjuj) kepada tiga umat: Tawil, Taris dan Mansik". Imam Al-Alusi berpendapat bahawa Yakjuj dan Makjuj mempunyai umur yang paling panjang. Ibnu Kathir telah berkata bahawa bilangan mereka tidak dapat ditetapkan, tetapi pasti jumlah mereka sangat ramai.
Apakah jenis kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh Yakjuj dan Makjuj? Sesetengah ulama berpendapat bahawa mereka ini melakukan kerosakan dan keganasan dengan menerkam ke atas mangsanya seperti binatang yang merangkak, liar dan ganas. Mereka juga memakan ular, kala dan semua yang bernyawa. Al-Kalbi berpendapat: "Mereka ini keluar ke bumi pada musim bunga dan memakan semua yang dijumpainya sama ada yang hijau atau yang kering. Mereka juga membawanya masuk ke dalam bumi. Dan sesiapa yang berjumpa dengan mereka nescaya akan disiksa dan dibunuh." Sesetengah ulama lain berpendapat bahawa mereka memakan manusia dan merosakkan apa yang ada di bumi setelah mereka keluar.
Nie link utk hadis di atas: http://desaalam.com/forum/index.php?topic=153.0
P/S: Citer nie xdela baru, cuma utk mengisi ruang yang kosong. Susulan atau lanjutan dari article ni mcm da xde je...
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